Monday, 23 July 2012

My hello kitty bag for my card.

1) Cut two black felt for the eyes.
2) Cut one yellow felt for the nose.

3) Cut for the Hello Kitty face.
4) Stick it together. Oh ya, please cut out red felt for ribbon and 6 black stripes for the whiskers. If you need any help, please leave a comment and i try to see if i can put up the template here for you. ^^

5) Put the card that you want to make a bag for it. All the four corner of the card, add 1cm around the corner. If you are lazy bum like me, then just put the card 1cm away from where you want to cut like what you see in the picture and just measure the other two corner, draw the lines and cut it out.

6) Cut

7) And cut. But I will cut two different colors. Then it will be a colorful bag for my card bag.

8) The two pieces of felt that I have cut.

9) Sew it together.

10) And sew

11) Until you sew all the three corner. But do not sew the top part as if you sew it, you can never put the card in!

12) My card bag. Hmm..something is wrong...I make it too short...But never fear, my brilliant mind says I can fix this.

13) Ta-dah. I cut another red felt to add the length of the bag. So never fear if you make a mistake. Just think how to fix it.

14) Problem solve. 

15) I plan to stick it to the top so it is easier for me to sew it.

16) After glue look.

17) I glue this side too.

18) Glue both side and there will be an opening.

19) Therefore, I sew it with yellow color. The reason I used yellow as it  stand out from the red color felt and it will make the card bag look even more colorful.

20) See see....isn't it look colorful?

21) This is the other side of it. I might make a mistake in the beginning but then because I think of way to solve it, now the bag look even more colorful and beautiful. Don't you think so? ^^

22) Now it is time to decorate the bag. I stick my Hello Kitty on it.

23) And I add my name on the other side.

24) This is my finish look of the card bag. I love it!

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